Reviving the Relevance

In its heyday, Yerkes Observatory was a bright spot of exploration and discovery in our universe. People from all over the world flocked to it – even Einstein visited. But as time passed and new technologies took hold, interest waned and its shine faded.

Focusing on socials as more than just a marketing “to-do” tool, we’ve empowered an intellectually curious community to re-ignite their passion for this astronomical gem. Reviving past glories with rare historic images and stories, creating unique branded content series, and providing behind-the-scenes access to Yerkes tours, special events, and cultural expos.

Most importantly – we’re engaging with fans at every turn.
Yerkes Phones
Impressions in 2022
Increase in actions in 2022
+ 0 %
Yerkes Social

Fueling the Wonder

What’s more, we continue to fuel the feeling of awe and wonder, attracting visitors of all kinds including headlinegrabbing names like Hillary Clinton, the reigning Miss America, and Wisconsin’s current Lt. Governor, Sara Rodriguez.
Yerkes Social Post