Making the Moment Matter

Launching a boat can be precarious. Launching the next generation of dramatically different pontoon boats amidst a sea of faithful brand fans, however, presents an even greater challenge.

After all, it’s difficult to disrupt an entire industry without questions. So we commandeered the social helms to answer the burning questions, help steward the brand through to launch, and unify passions.
Social Phones
By giving fans of both the legacy and next gen models the platform to express themselves and feel heard, we’re steering conversations back to what the Manitou brand stands for in the first place: making memories. No matter which model fits that journey.
YoY - Total Engagement
(April 2022-2023 vs April 21-22)
+ 0 %
Total post link clicks
+ 0 %
Message Volume
+ 0 %
Total net audience growth
+ 0 %
Manitou Playbook